The retro sounds mix very well with the EDM sounds. Great work, DJStriden!
The retro sounds mix very well with the EDM sounds. Great work, DJStriden!
This sounds very fast-paced & makes you want to dance to the beat. Although this could be better, you're switching music genres so it's understandable. Nice one, Canonblade!
Also, I saw your statement about making this soundtrack in a day in a review below mine. That's freaking crazy!
When I first heard this, my mind just imagined someone being beaten up over and over again, but he still stands up and fights the evil in front of him. The title itself just strengthens my thought. Also, the moments before the first drop moment(beginning?) & the part in between the first drop & second drop(bridge?) makes my hair stand up every time I listen to this soundtrack.
Good job, Xtrullor!
Sounds really promising! I do hope you make a full soundtrack of this.
Who knew broken sounds can be used to make a magnificent(no pun intended) soundtrack? The mumbles make it sound a bit creepy though. Nice work, Spaze!
A bit messy, though I do understand the reason by reading the title. The drops are amazing as always! I do like how you pace it out in the drops, by adding 3 regular beats before transitioning to the chaos, then back again.
Many people say this is like a remix of Electro-Light - Symbolism. I beg to differ from that. The beginning starts with the pre-drop(idk what to call it), which gives the dubstep vibe. I like that. Also, I like how you create it so that you feel calm & active at the same time.
Wow. Just, wow. It's very upbeat, yet the drop is very deep & IMO sounds similar to Skrillex's drop. This actually sounds like a fusion of Azazal's & Dex Arson's style. GJ Canonblade!
So, a not-really-thorough-interview here.
TL;DR: This soundtrack makes me imagine of a person who lives a normal & happy life, gets bullied, bullies get karma back & the person resumes his normal life again.
The opening has the same style as Spaze's MAGIC_DUBBLE_SINGLE's soundtracks. The drumsticks' sound becomes an alert that it's going to start & I love that. The fusion of the guitar & the steady beats makes it sound soothing. It sounds like someone who lives a happy life.
Near the drop, there's a triangle sound, which sounds like someone winking after getting bullied. The amazing drop starts. All the bullies get karma back. That's what I imagine. Then, soothness comes back, followed by another good drop again.
Conclusion, this soundtrack provides us a good dose of how karma works in life. GJ Xtrullor!
This feels calm at first, then upbeat next. And it continues to be a calm upbeat soundtrack. I love this. GJ DJ Striden!
Hello! I'm amsyar555, also known as amsyar zerø. Some of you may know me from my YouTube. Anyway, I had this NG account since I was like 10 years old, so it's pretty old. I draw traditionally & digitally. I love music & memes.
Joined on 3/3/12